February: Card of the Month & Valentine's Day

For us, Valentine's Day isn't just about celebrating significant others, it's about showing love to all! We feel the same way about our cards. We want them to spread all kinds of love and joy, especially when it comes to holidays like this one. We kept that in mind as we chose our card of the month.

breathless paper co / fresh breath

This card from our Fresh Breath collection is vibrant, simple and sweet. Honestly, what more can you ask for when it comes to Valentine's Day? "You Are My Person"  means so much. It applies to boyfriends, girlfriends, wives, husbands, best friends... the list goes on. It's a powerful sentiment: You've found your person! The one who you can share everything with (even the silly or bad stuff) and the one who you feel completely understood with. We think this card is totally worth giving, for Valentine's and for always. 

When it comes to Valentine's Day in our household, we've made it a tradition to take our kids out on a "family date night." We let them pick the place, and they love it. Last year was our first year carrying out the tradition in Nashville, and they chose Taqueria Del Sol (y-u-m!) It's looking like that might be their choice this year too... but they said they'll "let us know" ;) We love family time around here, and Valentine's is no exception. 

Our little ones ready for date night last year.

Our little ones ready for date night last year.

What Valentine's looks like at our house. We love hand-written notes ;)

What Valentine's looks like at our house. We love hand-written notes ;)

P.S. Don't forget to take part in our#BeBreathless campaign now through the end of February, 2018! We want you to show us where and to who our cards travel to! Snap pics of one (or more!) of our cards out in the world and post onInstagram. Hashtag #BeBreathless, tag @BreathlessPaper, and be entered to win $500 worth of cards to gift to your loved ones or keep for yourself. Winner announced after close of contest.

We've Got Good Things Comin'!

A new year means new products, and we couldn't be more excited to tell you what we've got coming down the line. 

While we can't tell you everything quite yet, we're excited to give you some teasers ;) 

We've added:

NEW Old Try collaboration cards to the mix! A few of them really speak to the heart, which we love...

A Light Pink shade of our Deep Breath collection...

NEW Deep Breath Two cards like "Live Your Best Life" -- a saying I adopted in high school and haven't abandoned since...

A few NEW Breath of Inspiration cards. We love growing this line, because it gives back.

We'll have lots of fun images + sales coming soon for you guys to take advantage of our new offerings. 

This year, we really want to emphasize our mission and our humble beginnings. 

In 2017 we celebrated 10 years of doing this, and that reminded us of how lucky we are and how much of a Labor of Love this is. We'll never stop doing this with love and laughter. The past few years have really solidified the direction we want to take our little business in. It's all about loving one another and being kind. We want to promote only positivity and open-mindedness. Love is loudest and humility and kindness are essential. 

As we leap into 2018, our hope is that more people send handwritten notes, love one another, and live their lives with open hearts.

Keep your eyes peeled for more from us, and don't forget to send a card to someone you love. 


Breathless Paper Co.

P.S. Don't forget to take part in our #BeBreathless campaign now through the end of February, 2018! We want you to show us where and to who our cards travel to! Snap pics of one (or more!) of our cards out in the world and post on Instagram. Hashtag #BeBreathless, tag @BreathlessPaper, and be entered to win $500 worth of cards to gift to your loved ones or keep for yourself. Winner announced after close of contest.


Card of the Month: January

A new year means new goals and new starts. As we put 2017 behind us and think about how we've grown and what we've learned in the past year, we've picked a "Card of the Month" that we think expresses simply what it means to move forward and look confidently toward the future. 

This card is from our Deep Breath 2 collection -- one of our newest batches of cards. The words, "Every day may not be good, but there is something good in every day" are so real and important to us and applicable to everyone as they reflect on their year and try to better the next one. 

We love the modern design elements in this one, and we think it's a fitting card to send to so many of the people in your life this New Year and "just because." 

Thanks for stopping by and checking out this month's #CardoftheMonth! Don't forget to flaunt your Breathless Paper cards... our #BeBreathless contest is still going:

Take part in our #BeBreathless campaign now through the end of February, 2018! We want you to show us where and to who our cards travel! Snap pics of one (or more!) of our cards out in the world and post on Instagram. Hashtag #BeBreathless, tag @BreathlessPaper, and be entered to win $500 worth of cards to gift to your loved ones or keep for yourself. Winner announced after close of contest.





A Breathless Paper Christmas ♥

This Christmas, our family is venturing back to Atlanta to spend time with extended family. 

Back in Nashville, though, our tree is all decorated with ornaments picked out by our little ones -- mostly from our family shop, Urban Cottage in Atlanta. 

I am so excited to tackle Christmas Eve dinner this year for not only my little family, but for my parents, sister and her new husband. I'll be whipping up apps, dinner and cocktails. Of course, Scout and River will be helping too. They're especially looking forward to being on cookie decorating duty. 

Music is a huge thing for us, and so we'll definitely be jamming out to Christmas tunes allllll weekend and while we cook and open presents. Not gonna lie... it's pretty cute watching them dance and sing to all the classics. 

We'll be continuing some traditions from my own childhood, like exchanging gifts on Christmas Eve after dinner, and opening Santa gifts on Christmas morning. 

While we love giving gifts, we try to keep it minimal. We want the togetherness to be the focus, not the receiving of gifts. 

This year we focused our time, energy, and funds toward donating to two families to allow them to have a Christmas. 

We hope you & yours have the most beautiful, warm, peaceful & giving holiday this year. And if you're giving a Breathless Paper Co. card, we'd love to see what you're giving! Remember to tag #BeBreathless ;)

Still need a card or two? Order on our retail site! Right now, get 15% orders of $20 or more. Because we love you guys.


Breathless Paper Co.

P.S. Don't forget to take part in our #BeBreathless campaign now through the end of February, 2018! We want you to show us where and to who our cards travel to! Snap pics of one (or more!) of our cards out in the world and post on Instagram. Hashtag #BeBreathless, tag @BreathlessPaper, and be entered to win $500 worth of cards to gift to your loved ones or keep for yourself. Winner announced after close of contest.

Card of the Month: December

December is all about holiday holiday holiday, and the holidays are all about friends and family. We love our holiday collection and we especially love sharing it with you. 

We chose one of our holiday favorites as our "Card of the Month" this month. 

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This card is from our Deep Breath collection and it's simple and to the point. And super cute. This is the card that works for your funny family members and closest friends. Fill it with your note about why they're special to you, a funny memory, an old photo... the possibilities are endless. Just remember to give this year and to remind your loved ones that they're loved. We hope our cards can help you do that. 


P.S. Don't forget to take part in our #BeBreathless campaign now through the end of February, 2018! We want you to show us where and to who our cards travel to! Snap pics of one (or more!) of our cards out in the world and post on Instagram. Hashtag #BeBreathless, tag @BreathlessPaper, and be entered to win $500 worth of cards to gift to your loved ones or keep for yourself. Winner announced after close of contest.


Y'all... we're so excited. Why? Because now you guys can order cards, napkins, coasters and "Tiny Cards, Big Words" straight from our site to your door!

Heck yes. This was a long time coming, and we're so happy to get to share ourselves with you a bit more.

Right now, you can purchase individual cards from our Blowing Candles, Breath of Inspiration and Old Try collections. But (super fun part) we've put together "card packs" for you, too. You can buy packs of 6 or 12 cards with the following themes: Love, Friendship, Foodie, Funny Birthday, Deep Breath and Baby's Breath. 

card pack / thank you / breathless
card pack / friendship / breathless

Plus, you can buy any of our napkin packs, sets of coasters, and anything form our "Tiny Cards, Big Words." collection.

tiny cards big words / breathless
coasters / breathless

As we roll full force into the holiday season and 2018, we made it even easier to purchase gifts and cards for your loved ones. We're even running a pretty awesome special...


Thanks for supporting us and getting us this far. We love you guys. Happy shopping!

P.S. Don't forget to take part in our #BeBreathless campaign now through the end of February, 2018! We want you to show us where and to who our cards travel to! Snap pics of one (or more!) of our cards out in the world and post on Instagram. Hashtag #BeBreathless, tag @BreathlessPaper, and be entered to win $500 worth of cards to gift to your loved ones or keep for yourself. Winner announced after close of contest.

Thanksgiving in Our Household ♥

Giving thanks is something we're sure to do year-round in our house, but it's easy to get caught up in the day-to-day and forget to stop and say a simple "thank you." That's why Thanksgiving rocks.

Everyone is home and together, and we dedicate a whole 24 hours solely to saying "thank you" and appreciating what we have, instead of thinking about what we don't. We also eat. A lot. (Duh). 

This year was big for us because we spent our first Thanksgiving here in Nashville, and I cooked the whole dinner... which I'd never done before. Matt was on turkey duty and did an awesome job, and of course our little ones helped. 

There are a few things we just had to make sure to have on our table, like bourbon & vanilla bean cocktails made with White's Elixirs and sweet and sour whiskey drinks. We decorated our table with the heirloomed "Blessings" napkins and runner, with my favorite vintage tablecloth beneath it that I've had for years and years. We used my favorite set of mismatched serving pieces and plates, and tied our napkins with bakers twine and fresh rosemary. I just love rosemary, so we used it for the centerpieces, too.

It was so fun to teach the kids new traditions, like putting notes about all the things we're thankful for into a mason jar and sealing to open next year. We also taught them how to make a wish on the wishbone - that was just too cute. 


We loved having quality time to give thanks and love each other. From your friends at Breathless Paper Co., we hope you had just as beautiful of a Thanksgiving as we did. 

P.S.: Don't forget to take part in our #BeBreathless campaign now through the end of February, 2018! We want you to show us where and to who our cards travel to! Snap pics of one (or more!) of our cards out in the world and post on Instagram. Hashtag #BeBreathless, tag @BreathlessPaper, and be entered to win $500 worth of cards to gift to your loved ones or keep for yourself. Winner announced after close of contest.

Card of the Month: November

How is it already November?!

The year is already nearing its end. Things always get a bit crazy during the holidays around here (and I'm sure for you, too). But one thing that keeps us grounded, especially in November, is thankfulness.

It's so important to wake up everyday and reflect on what you're grateful for. There's no better way to stay level-headed and joyful. But, it's easy to forget to be thankful, so we'll use November and Thanksgiving as a reminder and a chance to re-center ourselves around gratefulness. 

This card from one of our new collections, Deep Breath TWO, is simple and sweet. It's a little nudge to remind you that while everyday might bring a lot of reasons to complain or to dwell in the bad stuff, there's always at least one thing (and usually many more things than one) that is "good" and deserving of a smile and a thanks. What's the point in dwelling on the bad? Look at your life this season - your family, friends, home - and say a few thank yous.

And don't forget to also be thankful for yourself and who you are, because you are a-w-e-s-o-m-e.

(Psst... Remember to keep checking back here and on Instagram for the #CardOfTheMonth)



Posted on November 3, 2017 .


We love cards for a lot of reasons, but one of the best and most important reasons is because of the reminder they serve. No matter where you are, who you're with or what you're doing, you can carry that card with you, gaze at it, and remember the person who gave it to you and why. For a second, no matter what, you can escape to that moment. 

That's why we're inspired to begin our #BeBreathless series and contest. When we were in New York for the NY NOW trade show, we snapped a pic of one of our cards while out and about in the city (see below), and we thought, "wow, we'd love to see where our customers end up taking our cards, and what cool places they go to." 


That's what #BeBreathless is all about. We want you to show us where and to who our cards travel to! Snap pics like the one you see below (or in whatever style you want!), post on Instagram and hashtag #BeBreathless, tag @BreathlessPaper, and be entered to win $500 worth of cards to gift to your loved ones or keep for yourself.

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The contest will run through the end of FEBRUARY 2018 with the winner announced on social media. Check out our Instagram where we'll feature entries and announce the winner. 

We want to encourage you to give, share, and #BeBreathless.

Old Try Collaboration

Collaborating with other makers is one of my favorite things about being in this industry. Recently, we got together with one of our favorite companies, Old Try, to create some amazing (if we do say so ourselves) cards inspired by the South that we love so much. 

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By putting our talents together, we've created this line of cards that glorifies the "new south" and all of its corners and crevices. Plus, they're so pretty you may just want to frame one and stare at it. 

Wholesalers - contact me to place an order! Everyone else, check out your local boutiques to purchase a card, and keep your eyes peeled for an announcement on the next place you can buy ;)

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